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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Love Yourself and Others More

"If you would be loved, love, and be loveable." 
Benjamin Franklin

February 14th, is the day we celebrate as Valentine’s Day – the day we send cards to wives, husbands, spouses, significant others, boyfriends, girlfriends, Mothers, Fathers, Grandparents, children, teachers, friends, etc. Some people even get Valentine’s cards for their pets. No, I’m not one of them.

Now when I was younger, it generally stopped with cards. Now it’s way more commercialized – like other holidays! Not only do we send cards, but we’re expected to send flowers, chocolates, maybe even jewelry – gold and diamonds of course! Maybe buy special gifts like trips to the spa, or romantic getaways.

This is great for retail sells – even boosts the economy – so I’m sure not going to advocate NOT doing this.

But let me ask you a question. Why do we celebrate this showing of love so profusely on only one day?

Shouldn’t we show our love, affection, and appreciation for others EVERY day? Of course we should!

There’s one person in your life who really, really needs this love, affection, and appreciation every day. Do you know who it is? YOU! I have so many people who come into my office telling me they don’t have good self esteem or they don’t feel worthy of love, or they feel inferior to others. Way more common than maybe you would expect. I’ll have to acknowledge, it surprised me for a long time. And still saddens me to think a person would feel this way about themselves.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Super Bowl 2011 and Joe Montana’s First Super Bowl

“For me, winning isn't something that happens suddenly on the field when the whistle blows and the crowds roar.
Winning is something that builds physically and mentally every day that you train and every night that you dream.” 
Emmitt Smith

Super Bowl XLV will be played in Dallas this year. The 2011 Super Bowl teams are the Green Bay Packers and the Pittsburgh Steelers.  It will be the big sports event of the year in Dallas.  And yes, people will be hypnotized by watching the game live, or on TV.

So what do you think? Will Ben Roethlisberger get his third Super Bowl Ring, or will his off the field personal problems from earlier this year in any way be a distraction for him? Or will Aaron Rodgers with his laser precise arm be winning his first?

And when did either of them win their very First Super Bowl? You’re probably thinking, wait a minute, Rodgers hasn’t won his first yet. Really? You think he hasn’t?  I’ll give you a hint, it has something to do with hypnosis!

For some reason, it got me to thinking about one of the great athletes of all time -- Joe Montana. So here’s a question for you. Do you know how old Joe Montana was when he won his first Super Bowl?

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Monday, January 23, 2017

Did Coach McCarthy Hypnotize the Super Bowl Green Bay Packers?

You may have heard that the night before the Super Bowl game against the Steelers, Coach McCarthy had his Packers measured for championship rings at the team hotel. "He handed out scales, high-end expensive scales. He said to us, 'I'm leaving you with this token. Remember my approach: You need to balance your life between family and work.' I'll never forget it. The scale is the centerpiece of my den." said Mike McCarthy, referring to Dave Checketts former CEO of Madison Square Gardens, a longtime friend and colleague.

Did NFL Coach Mike McCarthy use some form of Sports Hypnosis / NLP with the Green Bay Packers football Players the day before the Super Bowl? Yes, he did!

My guess is, he didn’t tell the athletes on the Team – “I’m going to Hypnotize you now. Take in a nice deep breath, and let it out nice and slow.”

But he did use a very effective Hypnosis / NLP tool with them, whether he knew he did, or the football Players knew he did or not.

What am I talking about here? You may have heard that the night before the Super Bowl game against the Steelers, Coach McCarthy had his Packers measured for championship rings at the team hotel.

It’s been pointed out by General Manager Ted Thompson they would have gotten an NFC Championship ring even if they had lost, but that’s not the point.

Would their ring size (not the size of the ring) be different if they had lost? No, but when you tell a Player he’s being measured for his Super Bowl ring, it makes a big difference – especially since it is BEFORE the game is played.

You’re probably still wondering how the Hypnosis part comes in.

Here it is ...

Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Super “Hypnosis” Bowl -- the Ultimate Mass Hypnosis

Super Bowl XLV is now in the history books. And you just got through watching the Ultimate Mass Hypnosis event of the year – until the next Super Bowl anyway.
“The truth is the Super Bowl long ago became more than just a football game. It's part of our culture like turkey at Thanksgiving and lights at Christmas, and like those holidays beyond their meaning, a factor in our economy.” 

Bob Schieffer

Congratulations to Aaron Rodgers and the Green Bay Packers for the Super Bowl Win and to both the Packers and the Steelers for giving it their all. Celebrations and heartaches for the athletes and fans – depending on which locker room and sports fans you want to ask.

Super Bowl XLV is now in the history books. And you just got through watching the Ultimate Mass Hypnosis event of the year – until the next Super Bowl anyway.

But who really won? The number ONE WINNER – Fox. They cashed a lot of checks from sponsors. The other winners – besides the teams -- the ad agencies that put together the commercials.   And of course all the fans who watched here in Dallas / Fort Worth, or had their Super Bowl parties at home!

What did you think of the commercials? You couldn’t help notice the Hyundai commercials with the obvious references to Hypnosis. Naturally as a Hypnotist specializing in Sports Hypnosis I enjoyed that one.

But here’s a question for you – how many people do you think were Hypnotized during the game? What? You think I’m suggesting that some people went to a Hypnotist for a session instead of watching the game? No!