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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Using these five words or phrases could SABOTAGE your 2017 New Year's Resolutions:

“How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults, or resolution enough to mend them.”  Benjamin Franklin

Here are Five Don’ts and Five Do’s and One Bonus (Eleven)
to help you Succeed with Your 2013 New Year’s Resolution

1 – Lose – Do you really want to LOSE weight? Do you remember the last time you LOST your car keys, a shoe, your glasses? Did you look for them and hope you FOUND them? Or how about when a person loses a job? Loses money? Or their favorite sports team loses? Does it really make sense that you would want to LOSE weight? No – that word just sabotages your efforts. That’s why people who LOSE weight, generally finds it again.  Instead of "losing weight" - you want to "reduce your weight - be a healthy weight!

2 – Quit – Another negative word. Think back to when you were younger, maybe even just last week. Do you remember someone saying (maybe a coach, parent, teacher, or a friend) to you “You’re not a Quitter, are you?” in that tone of voice that indicated disapproval. Have you ever wondered why the cigarette companies use the word QUIT in their “public service” ads? Because they know that people who QUIT are likely to start back again.  You don't really want to "quit smoking", you want to STOP smoking

To continue reading the five words that can sabotage your New Year's Resolutions for 2013, and to discover the five words that can help you succeed in your New Year's Resolutions for 2013, and to get the Bonus suggestion , please go to:


For more information about Dallas / Fort Worth Hypnosis go to www.hypnosisrc.com.  And if you're interested in Sports Hypnosis, go to www.sportshypnosisrc.com  And for Golfers - check out:  http://www.sportshypnosisrc.com/dallas_fort_worth_sports_hypnosis_nlp_golf_mental_game_coaching.html

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Pictures and Quotes Motivational Gallery Page 2

of the giant capacity
we can immediately
command when we
focus all of our resources
on mastering a single area
of our lives."
.-- Tony Robbins


"Imagine if You could
Achieve the Focus
of a Cat and
still be Relaxed!
And Alert!
How great would that
Improve Your .
Sports Performance?"
.-- Coach William C. Smith

You'll find some of these motivational quote/pics directly related to specific sports, some to sports in general, and some are just great motivational quotes. You'll even enjoy some funny ones.
Feel free to SHARE the Motivational Quote Gallery with friends, family, co-workers, team. And Yes, You have my permission to post them on Facebook, and other sites, or even Your own website as long as You INCLUDE a LINK to: http://www.sportshypnosisrc.com/sports_hypnosis_motivation_gallery_1.html 
Click here to see this Pictures and Quotes Motivation Gallery Page at www.sportshypnosisrc.com

Coach William C. Smith is available for Sports Hypnosis / NLP for professional, college, high school, and recreational athletes of all sports and skill levels. Professional office is located in the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex. Video Skype sessions are also available in some circumstances.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

USING the “I AM” Self Hypnosis Technique

Today we’re going to talk about how powerful the two simple little words “I am” really are.

“Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.” - John Lennon

You will probably be very surprised after you do the exercise included in the article that you’ll discover some things about yourself. As you probably know, I’m a Board Certified Hypnotist and also an Alpha Process Coach.

This is an exercise I do sometimes with my clients to help them better understand that the best way to find the solution the problem they come to me with is not “why” they have the problem, but rather “how” the words they may be using are possibly sabotaging their efforts to make changes.

Before we even get started with this article, you’ve got an assignment.

Get out a piece of paper and something to write with. You’re going to finish some sentences with the FIRST thoughts that come to your head You’re going to read the sentence and then write FIVE (at least, more is OK) endings.

DO NOT take more than three seconds (OK five at the most) to fill in each blank.

Now, finish the sentence with words that describe you. 
Do at least FIVE.
I am __________________________
I am __________________________
I am __________________________
I am __________________________
I am __________________________

Now, do the same thing with this sentence:
I am feeling__________________________
I am feeling__________________________
I am feeling__________________________
I am feeling__________________________
I am feeling__________________________

And now for this sentence:
I am always__________________________
I am always__________________________
I am always__________________________
I am always__________________________
I am always__________________________

And how about this one?
I am never__________________________
I am never__________________________
I am never__________________________
I am never__________________________
I am never__________________________

DO NOT PROCEED UNTIL YOU’VE DONE THE EXERCISE ABOVE. If you haven't done this exercise, STOP reading and do them. NOW!
You’ve got time!

You’re worth taking a few minutes to learn a technique that will help replace those sabotage thoughts you’ve been bothered with for a while with thoughts that will help you SUCCEED!

Aren’t you?

And besides, no one else needs to see what you wrote, unless you want to show them.

OK, now that you’ve done them, let’s go back and look at what you wrote. You DID do the exercise.  Didn’t you?

If not, go back and do them, otherwise we’re both wasting our time here.Well, I’m not since I wrote this for my newsletter and use it with my clients, I’ve already gotten some value from this.

To read more go to:

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Pictures and Quotes Motivational Gallery Page 4

"People who work together will win,
whether it be against
complex football defenses,
or the problems
of modern society."
-- Vince Lombardi
"The Taste of Victory!
Raise Your Head High!
-- Coach William C. Smith
“Are you playing the Game to WIN?
OR are you playing the Game
to 'NOT LOSE'?"
-- Coach William C. Smith
You'll find some of these motivational quote/pics directly related to specific sports,
some to sports in general, and some are just great motivational quotes.
You'll even enjoy some funny ones.
Feel free to SHARE the Motivational Quote Gallery with friends, family, co-workers,
team. And Yes, You have my permission to post them on Facebook, and other sites,
or even Your own website as long as You INCLUDE a LINK to: http://www.sportshypnosisrc.com/dallas_fort_worth_sports_hypnosis_quotes_motivation_gallery_page_1.html
Click here to see this Pictures and Quotes Motivation Gallery Page at www.sportshypnosisrc.com
Coach William C. Smith is available for Sports Hypnosis / NLP for professional, college, high school, and recreational athletes of all sports and skill levels. Professional office is located in the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex. Video Skype sessions are also available in some circumstances.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Pictures and Quotes Motivational Gallery Page 5

"Out of need springs desire,
and out of desire
springs the energy
and the will to win."
-- Denis Waitley
."Have You ever noticed
how much more Energy
You have when
You're Winning?
Winners Maintain
that Energy Level
-- Coach William
You'll find some of these motivational quote/pics directly related to specific sports, some to sports in general, and some are just great motivational quotes. You'll even enjoy some funny ones.
Feel free to SHARE the Motivational Quote Gallery with friends, family, co-workers, team. And Yes, You have my permission to post them on Facebook, and other sites, or even Your own website as long as You INCLUDE a LINK to: http://www.sportshypnosisrc.com/dallas_fort_worth_sports_hypnosis_quotes_motivation_gallery_page_1.html
Click here to see this Pictures and Quotes Motivation Gallery Page at www.sportshypnosisrc.com
Coach William C. Smith is available for Sports Hypnosis / NLP for professional, college, high school, and recreational athletes of all sports and skill levels. Professional office is located in the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex. Video Skype sessions are also available in some circumstances.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Pictures and Quotes Motivational Gallery Page 6

"The question is
not whether you can,
but whether you will"
-- Neale Donald Walsch

"The difference between
a successful person

and others

is not a lack of strength,

not a lack of knowledge,

but rather in a lack of will."

. -- Vince Lombardi

“You’re too tired?

Want to party?

Or have other Excuses

for not working on Your Success?

That’s OK,
but someone else is out there
working on their Goals.”
-- Coach William C. Smith

You'll find some of these motivational quote/pics directly related
to specific sports, some to sports in general, and some are just
great motivational quotes. You'll even enjoy some funny ones.
Feel free to SHARE the Motivational Quote Gallery with friends, family,
co-workers, team. And Yes, You have my permission to post them
on Facebook, and other sites, or even Your own website as long as
You INCLUDE a LINK to: http://www.sportshypnosisrc.com/dallas_fort_worth_sports_hypnosis_quotes_motivation_gallery_page_1.html
Click here to see this Pictures and Quotes Motivation Gallery Page
at www.sportshypnosisrc.com
Coach William C. Smith is available for Sports Hypnosis / NLP for professional, college, high school, and recreational athletes of all sports and skill levels. Professional office is located in the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex. Video Skype sessions are also available in some circumstances.
I took this picture on my trip to Yosemite National Park August 2012.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Pictures and Quotes Motivational Gallery Page 8

reality through magic;
it takes sweat,
and hard work.
-- Colin Powell
"Do You give it Your ALL
Even to the point Your tongue is hanging out?
Winners don't stop UNTIL!
.Until the job is done.
Until the Dream becomes Reality.
Until the Goal is Achieved."
-- Coach William C. Smith

You'll find some of these motivational quote/pics directly related
to specific sports, some to sports in general, and some are just
great motivational quotes. You'll even enjoy some funny ones.

Feel free to SHARE the Motivational Quote Gallery with friends, family,  
co-workers, team. And Yes, You have my permission to post them on
Facebook, and other sites, or even Your own website as long as You
INCLUDE a LINK to: http://www.sportshypnosisrc.com/dallas_fort_worth_sports_hypnosis_quotes_motivation_gallery_page_1.html

Click here to see this Pictures and Quotes Motivation Gallery Page
at www.sportshypnosisrc.com

Coach William C. Smith is available for Sports Hypnosis / NLP for professional, college, high school, and recreational athletes of all sports and skill levels. Professional office is located in the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex. Video Skype sessions are also available in some circumstances.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Worry is a Thief! Would you invite a thief to live with you?

"Do not anticipate trouble
or worry about
what may never happen. 
Keep in the sunlight.” 
Benjamin Franklin

It amazes me how many people do! They come in to my Hypnosis office and complain about this Thief, but yet it’s one they personally invited and have been making the Thief welcome for a very long time.

Who is this Thief? 
The Thief’s name is WORRY! If you didn’t already know this, let me explain it to you. Worry is a THIEF! Worry steals your time when you could be doing something constructive.

Worry steals your:
• Joy
• Energy
• Sleep
• Peace of mind.

And yet, many people seem to take pride in being a “Worrier”. Have you ever known someone – maybe the person you see in the mirror – who seems to take such pride in being a “worrier”? In my Hypnosis / Coaching practice, I’ve had people tell me they are the “Worrier of the Family” or they’re a worrier because it’s genetic.

To continue reading, please go to: http://hypnosisrc.com/dallas_fort_worth_hypnosis_article_worry_is_a_thief.html

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Pictures and Quotes Motivational Gallery Page 9

that success comes before work.
Hard work is the price
we must pay for success.
I think you can accomplish anything
if you're willing to pay the price."
-- Vince Lombardi

"It's Never too late
to be what You
might have Been."
-- George Eliot

do not recognize opportunity

is because it usually goes around

wearing overalls looking

like hard work."
Thomas A. Edison
“You can either Choose
to let things happen,
You can make things happen.
Which will You Choose?”
-- Coach William C. Smith

You'll find some of these motivational quote/pics directly related
to specific sports, some to sports in general, and some are just
great motivational quotes. You'll even enjoy some funny ones.
Feel free to SHARE the Motivational Quote Gallery with friends, family,  
co-workers, team. And Yes, You have my permission to post them on
Facebook, and other sites, or even Your own website as long as You
INCLUDE a LINK to: http://www.sportshypnosisrc.com/dallas_fort_worth_sports_hypnosis_quotes_motivation_gallery_page_1.html
Click here to see this Pictures and Quotes Motivation Gallery Page at www.sportshypnosisrc.com
Coach William C. Smith is available for Sports Hypnosis / NLP for professional, college, high school, and recreational athletes of all sports and skill levels. Professional office is located in the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex. Video Skype sessions are also available in some circumstances.