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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Pictures and Quotes Motivational Gallery Page 17

"Look Yourself
in the Mirror
(or any time You
see Your Reflection)
and Give Yourself
Postive Suggestions"
-- Coach William C. Smith
Here's a good suggestion to use:
"It is Easy
and Natural
for me to Trust
my Golf Swing."

You'll find some of these motivational quote/pics directly related to specific sports, some to sports in general, and some are just great motivational quotes. You'll even enjoy some funny ones.
Feel free to SHARE the Motivational Quote Gallery with friends, family, co-workers, team. And Yes, You have my permission to post them on Facebook, and other sites, or even Your own website as long as You INCLUDE a LINK to: http://www.sportshypnosisrc.com/sports_hypnosis_motivation_gallery_1.html
Click here to see this Pictures and Quotes Motivation Gallery Page at www.sportshypnosisrc.com

Coach William C. Smith is available for Sports Hypnosis / NLP for professional, college, high school, and recreational athletes of all sports and skill levels. Professional office is located in the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex. Video Skype sessions are also available in some circumstances.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Pictures and Quotes Motivational Gallery Page 18

"What other people
may find in poetry
or art museums,
I find in the flight
of a good drive."
-- Arnold Palmer
"Hit the shot you know
you can hit, not the one

you think you should."

-- Dr. Bob Rotella

Want to Improve Your Golf?

"Make you Goal into a Dream

and make your

Dreams into Goals

– and then take Action

to bring them into Reality!”

-- Coach William C. Smith

Coach William C. Smith is available for Sports Hypnosis / NLP for professional, college, high school, and recreational athletes of all sports and skill levels. Professional office is located in the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex. Video Skype sessions are also available in some circumstances.

You'll find some of these motivational quote/pics directly related to specific sports, some to sports in general, and some are just great motivational quotes. You'll even enjoy some funny ones.

Feel free to SHARE the Motivational Quote Gallery with friends, family, co-workers, team. And Yes, You have my permission to post them on Facebook, and other sites, or even Your own website as long as You INCLUDE a LINK to: 


Click here to see this Pictures and Quotes Motivation Gallery Page at www.sportshypnosisrc.com

Coach William C. Smith is available for Sports Hypnosis / NLP for professional, college, high school, and recreational athletes of all sports and skill levels. Professional office is located in the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex. Video Skype sessions are also available in some circumstances.


Friday, August 19, 2016

Using Hypnosis / NLP to Replace Fear with Confidence!

Hypnosis / NLP are great tools when you are ready to let go of fear and replace it with confidence!  Whether a fear of snakes or a fear of public speaking
“The thing you fear most has no power. Your fear of it is what has the power. Facing the truth really will set you free.”  -- 
Oprah Winfrey

Hypnosis / NLP are great tools when you are ready to let go of fear and replace it with confidence!  Whether a fear of snakes or a fear of public speaking
Do you know what the most common fear in America is?  Confidence in public speaking.   This affects people from all ages and walks of life – young children, students, professionals, athletes, business people, – nearly everyone!

And the second one – fear of snakes!
What are some other fears that children – and adults- face?
Fear of Thunder / lightening / storms
Fear of Flying in airplanes
Fear of Heights
Fear of Bugs – spiders, roaches, crawly things
Fear of Snakes
Fear of Needles / medical procedures
Fear of Driving on highways
Fear of Elevators, escalators, stairs
Fear of Crowds of people, social situations
Fear of Animals – especially big dogs
Fear of Failure and yes, even fear of Success
Fear of being hurt by love
And these are just a few fears I’ve helped people overcome!  And there are MANY more!

Using Hypnosis /NLP to help people overcome every day common fears can be very effective in building the person’s confidence so they can face fears without feeling out of control or worried about being embarrassed.  I help my clients in the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex – and beyond - replace fear with confidence!

What about phobias?  I don’t work with phobias – that’s a psychological condition – much rarer than you may think.  Many people use the word “phobia” when they really mean “fear”.  Or in their mind they blow it all out of proportion to the point it seems like a phobia.

To continue reading, please go to: http://www.hypnosisrc.com/dallas_fort_worth_hypnosis_article_replacing_fear_with_confidence.html

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Three Little Words that Keep an Athlete from Confident Sports Performance

"The significant
problems we face
cannot be solved
at the same level
of thinking
we were at
when we
created them."

Albert Einstein

It amazes me how many athletes call me to discuss Sports Hypnosis and the conversation starts off with, “Coach, my problem is.” Or “Coach, I have a problem!”
It doesn’t matter whether it's’ for golf, tennis, hockey, football, baseball, basketball, soccer, body building, MMA or any other sport, they seem to all start off with the same first few words. 

Before we even get into a discussion about what the problem is they’re calling about, I interrupt. And if you call, I’ll do the same with you!
Not because I’m being rude, but the Coaching / Sports Hypnosis starts during the initial contact, usually within the first 2 – 3 minutes, if not sooner.
Here’s how the conversation continues:

Coach – “YOUR problem?” I ask with an incredulous tone of voice.

Athlete – Usually says something like “What? Uh yeah, my problem is.”
Coach -- Before they get out another word, I interrupt again, “I don’t understand. Why would you be telling me about something you want to keep? I thought you were calling for Sports Hypnosis and wanted some help from me”

Athlete – A little bewildered, “Keep? No, I don’t want to keep it. And I was calling you for Sports Hypnosis so you could help me get rid of my problem.”

To continue reading, please go to:

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


“Practice enjoying the present moment, rather than using it up consumed with guilt over the past or worry about the future.” - Dr. Wayne Dyer

Are you in a prison of Doubt? Or Fear? Or Worry? Or Shame? Or Guilt? Or Anger? Or maybe some other Limiting Belief? It may not even have a clear definition, but whatever it is, it’s trapping you!

Have you been trapped so long you can’t imagine what life could be free of those feelings?

The sad thing is, so many times the cage / cell a person lives in is self created.

Imagine that you were trapped in a cage – or cell, barely big enough to stand up, maybe walk three or four paces, and you were isolated from your family and friends – for ten years! And then suddenly you were set free.

What if you had been in the cage since you were very young and didn’t know there was life outside the cage? How would it affect your outlook on life? What would you do differently WHEN (not if – I don’t like that word in most instances) you escaped or were set free?

Would you live your life to the fullest? Or would you spend your time being afraid? Afraid of the unknown freedom you were now experiencing, or the fear you might wind up back in the cage / cell again? What if you were so used to the limited space, you couldn’t bring yourself to even imagine walking more than three or four paces? What if you allowed your mind to remain in the cage / cell, even though your body had been freed?

Are you trapped in a cage or cell – MENTALLY and want to discover the key to unlock the mental block and finally find your freedom? Are you ready to unlock the door and step into the freedom and joy you want and deserve?

“The only limits to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.” -- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Now, let me tell you about my friend Luca who was trapped in a cage for ten years. Luca is a beautiful little white fluffy dog who now lives with one of my neighbors.

To read more go to:

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Another Alpha Edge for Athletes -- "Yeah / Ummmph" or "Bigger / Stronger"???

“You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” -Marcus Aurelius AD 121-180)

Have you ever been in a gym and heard lots of grunts and groans, especially from the guys (and some ladies too) who are really serious about lifting weights?  What’s all that noise about?
Let me give you another tool I teach my Athletes during their Sports Hypnosis sessions with me. During a workout, when you really want to build your stamina and endurance and make the workout even better, talk to yourself – but in a special way.

Let’s pretend you’re lifting weights. And with each upward move you say “Bigger” and each downward move “Stronger”. Maybe you misunderstood when I said “say”. I don’t mean like a wimpy “bigger”. I mean a real “BIGGER!!!”
Do you have to do it out loud? Sure, why not? Are you really that worried about what someone else will think? If you are, can you scream in your head? You can – either way, whichever suits you best. When possible, I would suggest doing it out loud – VERY LOUD!

But I know some of you are thinking “what will other people think?” or one of my Athletes pointed out to me that by saying it out loud, maybe other Athletes would start doing it too and improving.

OK – if they’re on the same team and it’ll get you closer to a Super Bowl if you play football or hockey players might want to win the Stanley Cup, then it might be worth it.  If it’s your high school or college teammates, why not share something that will help the team?
But here’s what you’ll have that they don’t. You’ll know why you’re doing it and you’ll be using that as only one tool in your mental toolbox to begin to change any negative self talk to powerful, Positive Self Talk.

And a very important aspect of this tool – when you’re saying it, in your mind see / feel yourself as BIGGER and STRONGER!
You may be wondering how I came up with that. One of my professional Athletes invited me over to his home to visit and do a Hypnosis session with him there. To continue reading, please go to: