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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Can Sports Hypnosis help prevent Sports Injuries?

"The secret of health for both mind and body
is not to mourn for the past,
not to worry about the future,
or not to anticipate troubles,
but to live in the present moment
wisely and earnestly."
The Buddha

A couple of years ago, I worked with a college football player. He wanted to get the advantage Sports Performance Hypnosis would help him with his sport.

We did some work for focus and confidence, but one area he especially wanted work with was the fear that he would be reinjured.

The previous year, he had been out most of the season with an injury and since then, he was overly cautious about any injury that would keep him from playing.  It was making him miserable.  He was very unhappy!

Now naturally, being overly cautious would not allow him to play the aggressive way a football player, or an athlete for that matter, should play their sport.

He was all stressed out and having trouble sleeping.  And if an athlete doesn’t get adequate sleep, they can’t play their best!  The body and mind needs that restorative sleep to be able to have the energy to perform.

His college Football Coach recommended Hypnosis to help him reduce stress and to sleep better.

When he contacted me and found out I did Sports Performance Hypnosis he was very excited! Tackle the worry monster and increase focus and confidence using Hypnosis together would be ideal!

It didn’t take long for him to realize he was in the right place!

He even got to the point that he was concerned about non-injury health related issues were worrying him. He was concerned about his heartbeat. He worried that a headache could be the sign of a brain tumor.  He thought a cold was the beginning of the flu, which of course would turn into pneumonia, which would lead to his death.

To continue reading, please go to: http://www.hypnosisrc.com/dallas_fort_worth_can_sports_hypnosis_help_prevent_injuries.html

Thursday, March 24, 2016

SPORTS HYPNOSIS – The Mental Advantage Competitors Hope You Never Discover!

“Baseball is ninety percent mental
and the other half is physical"
Yogi Berra

Let’s start with a few questions.

How old was Joe Montana when he won his first Super Bowl? You probably think you know. And would probably bet money on it. Wouldn’t you? Don’t put the money down yet. The answer will be towards the end of this article – the real answer that is.

How old were you when you reached the height of your success or will be when you do? Whether it’s business, football, hockey, baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis, golf or whatever – think about that question for a few moments.

How much of your game / sport is physical?

And how much is mental?.

Most athletes tell me their sport is at least 50% mental. But how much of your time is spent doing mental practice? And how much physical?

The difference between an elite athlete and one just one notch down the ladder is just one step. The elite athlete spent more time on the mental game than the one on the next level down.

Athletes have a sports coach and many use personal trainers for the physical. But how many utilize a Coach to help them with the mental game?

Only the ones who really want to be on top of their game. The ones who really want to move to the next level above their teammates and opponents.

And in this article, I want to teach you some of the techniques I use with my athletes during individual or group sessions when I’m working with them to help them reach their sports goals.

“Be careful of the words you use
and the questions you ask yourself,
because your SubConscious is listening!”
William C. Smith

Now let me ask you another question. Think about it before you answer. Are you ready? Who is your competition? Write it down.

To read more go to:  http://www.hypnosisrc.com/dallas_fort_worth_sports_hypnosis_mental_edge_competitors_hope_you_never_discover.html 

Would you like to use this article in your magazine, e-zine, newsletter, or website? You can, as long as you include this complete statement with it: William C. Smith, Board Certified Hypnotist, Coach, Author, Speaker, Trainer. Are you ready to discover how to change your life in a positive direction?  Then go to http://coachwilliamcsmith.blogspot.com And check out his websites too!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Have You Found Your Pot of Gold?

“The desire of gold is not for gold.
It is for the means
of freedom and benefit.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Let’s talk about Leprechauns and Unicorns. We’ll start with Leprechauns. Why? Because this article is being written in March 2010 – you know St. Patrick’s day. .
Speaking of which – a big Happy Birthday to my Uncle John Kimbrell on March 17th! In his mid 80’s and still has a wonderful sense of humor and a quick wit.

Have you been seeking out that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Have you found it yet?

Maybe you have and you just haven’t told anyone yet. It seems like there’s not a day go by that we’re not bombarded with yet another “get rich quick scheme” or scam. If I were to take advantage of all those letters from Nigeria telling me I’ve been selected to help someone get their inheritance out of the country and I would get a big percentage of it – I would have at least a BILLION dollars in the bank by now.

Guess what! It doesn’t work that way.

You know why? The answer is the word in the middle of that last sentence – WORK!

Too many people want to get the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but they don’t want to have to put up with the rain, or walk to the end of the rainbow to get it. And then there are those people who say they want to make more money!

Who “makes” money? The government and counterfeiters. So to “make” more money, you either have to get a job at the Treasury Department or run the risk of being arrested and going to prison. Instead of “making” money, the right term to use is “earn” money.

Everything has its limit -
iron ore cannot be educated into gold.”
Mark Twain

Here’s the problem with most people – they want more money, but they don’t want to “Work” to earn it. I wonder how much money the senders of those email scams would earn, if they spent as much time putting forth the effort at a legitimate business or job, as they did trying to steal from someone else?

Several years ago, I received an email from someone who claimed to be coming to town on business and wanted to set up a series of appointments with me while they were in town. Although I was suspicious – don’t know why, I just was – they sounded sincere. We agreed upon my professional fees for a number of sessions.

They agreed to send an advanced down payment of $500 for me to hold the time for them. I was very surprised when the check actually came. But there was a problem – the check was for $5000 instead of $500! The day it arrived, I also got an email from them telling me a new employee in their business department had made a mistake. Of course they suggested a very simple solution -- they wanted me to deposit the check and send them a check for $3500 – keeping $1000 for myself for the inconvenience, as soon as possible so they could get the mistake corrected before anyone found out about the mistake and so as not to get the new employee fired.

Being the upstanding, honest person I am, of course I immediately went to the bank and deposited it and got a cashier’s check into the mail to them that afternoon. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for getting that poor new employee out of a job. They probably have a family with a spouse, four kids, and a dog to support.

To read more go to: