"Do not anticipate trouble
or worry
what may never happen.
Keep in the sunlight.”
It amazes me how many people do! They come in to my Hypnosis
office and complain about this Thief, but yet it’s one they personally invited
and have been making the Thief welcome for a very long time.
Who is this Thief?
The Thief’s name is WORRY! If you didn’t already know this, let me
explain it to you. Worry is a THIEF! Worry steals your time when you could be
doing something constructive.
Worry steals your:
• Joy• Energy
• Sleep
• Peace of mind.
And yet, many people seem to take pride in being a “Worrier”. Have
you ever known someone – maybe the person you see in the mirror – who seems to
take such pride in being a “worrier”? In my Hypnosis / Coaching practice, I’ve
had people tell me they are the “Worrier of the Family” or they’re a worrier
because it’s genetic.
To continue reading, please go to: http://hypnosisrc.com/dallas_fort_worth_hypnosis_article_worry_is_a_thief.html