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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Sports Hypnosis – Golfers and Other Athletes – What is Your “Ability” level?

And with some practice, he began to imagine himself enjoying golf more and playing better.  He even imagined how he would feel when he won in a charity golf tournament his company sponsors each year.

“Without continual
growth and progress,
such words
as improvement,
and success
have no meaning.”
Benjamin Franklin

Sean, one of my local Dallas / Fort Worth SportsHypnosis / NLP clients – a golfer – came in for his visit last week.  We’ve been working on building up his Confidence on the golf course.

He asked me if I remembered a question he asked during his first session. He had asked several questions, as most people do, and even though I was pretty sure I knew which question he was referring to, I asked him to remind me.

He laughed and continued filling out his progress report. That’s how we start our visits. Each of my clients fills out a “progress” report. It tells me what tools they’ve been using that I taught them, how the tools are helping, and what progress they’ve noticed.

Some of the progress will be directly related to the work we’re doing, in Sean’s case, lowering his golf score, and some may be in areas they weren’t expecting, but are glad for anyway.

And of course, they tell me if they’re listening to the Hypnosis CDs I give them and what benefit they’re getting from the Hypnosis CDs.

Now first, you may have noticed we’re discussing a “PROGRESS” report. It’s called that for a reason, and the word “Progress” is in the title at the top of the page.

I could just ask “how are you doing?”, but I’ve found that the word “Progress” moves the mind into thinking in that direction. And they know that each time they come to visit, there will be a new “Progress” report and more “Progress” will be discussed – setting up the expectation of making positive changes.

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Coach William C. Smith