"Of all the hazards,
fear is
the worst."
Sam Snead
From my experience as a professional Sports Hypnotist with an NGH Golf Specialist Certification, I’ve noticed that out of all my athletes from various sports, Golfers are the ones who are most acquainted with the idea of mental training, but very few Golfers utilize it anywhere near as much as they should. Most Golfers seem to make these same seven Mental Hazards over and over.
your Mind of these Mental Hazards can really elevate your game. Imagine if you
just focused on getting rid of one at a time, and each time you did, you took 1
or 2 strokes off your game! Or you could hold onto these Hazards and keep
complaining about your score. The choice is up to you!
see what they are and how to correct them.
– Fear, Hesitation, and Doubt are the triplets of negative thinking. There’s
one word that counteracts all of them – Confidence! When you’re playing with
Confidence, and if you’re not, pretend you are, then those negative words will
lose their impact. We’re born with natural Confidence. You ever see a baby
learning to walk? He has no doubt that one day he’s going to be walking just
like those giants around him. And nothing is going to stop him from learning
how to walk! That’s the kind of Confidence to have – nothing is going to stop
you! Play Fearless golf!
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Coach William C. Smith