Today we’re going
to talk about how powerful the two simple little words “I am” really are.
“Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.” - John Lennon
You will probably be very surprised after you do the exercise included in the article that you’ll discover some things about yourself. As you probably know, I’m a Board Certified Hypnotist and also an Alpha Process Coach.
“Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.” - John Lennon
You will probably be very surprised after you do the exercise included in the article that you’ll discover some things about yourself. As you probably know, I’m a Board Certified Hypnotist and also an Alpha Process Coach.
This is an exercise
I do sometimes with my clients to help them better understand that the best way
to find the solution the problem they come to me with is not “why” they have
the problem, but rather “how” the words they may be using are possibly
sabotaging their efforts to make changes.
Before we even get
started with this article, you’ve got an assignment.
Get out a piece of
paper and something to write with. You’re going to finish some sentences with
the FIRST thoughts that come to your head You’re going to read the sentence and
then write FIVE (at least, more is OK) endings.
DO NOT take more
than three seconds (OK five at the most) to fill in each blank.
Now, finish the
sentence with words that describe you.
Do at least FIVE.
I am
I am __________________________
I am
I am
I am
Now, do the same
thing with this sentence:
I am
I am
I am feeling__________________________
I am
I am
And now for this
I am
I am
I am
I am
I am
And how about this
I am
I am
I am
I am
I am never__________________________
UNTIL YOU’VE DONE THE EXERCISE ABOVE. If you haven't done this exercise, STOP
reading and do them. NOW!
You’ve got time!
You’re worth taking
a few minutes to learn a technique that will help replace those sabotage
thoughts you’ve been bothered with for a while with thoughts that will help you
Aren’t you?
And besides, no one
else needs to see what you wrote, unless you want to show them.
OK, now that you’ve
done them, let’s go back and look at what you wrote. You DID do the exercise. Didn’t you?
If not, go back and
do them, otherwise we’re both wasting our time here.Well, I’m not since I wrote
this for my newsletter and use it with my clients, I’ve already gotten some
value from this.
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