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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Two Young Golfers Encounter an Old Pro at the 19th Hole

Not long ago, two Golfers were sitting at the 19th hole enjoying some relaxing time after a frustrating day on the links. They noticed an Older Golfer as he came in. One of them immediately recognized him as one of the Greats of Golf“There is no room in your mind
for negative thoughts. 
The busier you
keep yourself
with the particular
of shot assessment
and execution,
the less chance
your mind has to
dwell on the emotional.
This is sheer intensity.”
Jack Nicklaus

Here’s a story I think You will enjoy. 
I share it with my Golfers and other athletes (yes, it can be applied to any sport really) I work with in my office in the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex and even have Golfers come in from out of state to use Sports Hypnosis / NLP to help get their Mental Game on track – or back on track as is sometimes the case. 

After You read it, if You have any questions on how I can help you improve Your mental game and get on an Alpha Process level, give me a call and let’s get to work! 
Now – enjoy the story! 

Not long ago, two Golfers were sitting at the 19th hole enjoying some relaxing time after a frustrating day on the links. They noticed an Older Golfer as he came in. One of them immediately recognized him as one of the Greats of Golf, but was surprised because he thought the Older Golfer had died a few years back.

The Older Golfer seemed to be alone and was looking for a place to sit in the crowded room. He noticed the two Golfers had an extra place at their table and asked if they would mind if he joined them.

Without hesitation, he was made welcome at the table. He asked how their round went. Both answered it could be better. They asked if he had any advice that would help them play better.
The Older Golfer smiled and shook his head and said “The outcome of Your Golf depends on which Golf Voice You listen to that’s talking inside Your head.” Noticing the two Golfers looked puzzled he continued.

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Spring Cleaning - Bad Habits

"How many people are trapped
in their everyday habits:
part numb,
part frightened,
part indifferent?
To have a better life
we must keep choosing
how we’re living." 
- Albert Einstein

Somewhere I read that if it wasn’t for the weather changing, 90% of people wouldn’t have any way of starting a conversation. And how do weather conversations tend to flow? Towards the negative – complaining about the weather. It’s too hot, cold, rainy, windy, etc.

Why do most people complain about the weather? Because they realize they probably can’t do anything about it. And it’s easier to complain about something you can’t change than to actually do something about things you can change.

April brings more signs of Spring! Renewal, April showers, Spring cleaning, planting gardens and flowers.

Habits are like seeds you plant. If you plant weeds – such as dandelions, you’re going to get weeds growing in your yard. But when you plant flower seeds or vegetables seeds (zinnias or green beans) – you get flowers or vegetables. Some habits are bad like smoking or bad eating habits. And then there are good habits like brushing your teeth or healthy eating.

"Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man,
but coaxed downstairs one step at a time." -- Mark Twain

Since we’re talking about Spring time – let’s discuss some Spring cleaning – some techniques to get rid of some bad habits.

Are you ready to commit (not just think about), but actually commit to changing that bad habit? If so, keep reading. If not, then go back to complaining about the weather that you can’t change, and stop complaining about the habits you can change.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Memories from the Tomatoes in my Grandfather's Garden.

“No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth,
and no culture comparable to that of the garden.”
Thomas Jefferson

One of the things I tell my clients and students is that all Hypnosis is Self Hypnosis. And Hypnosis is simply being receptive to a suggestion. The suggestion could be from an outside source, or a memory, or a combination of both.
And you just never know when a suggestion will enter your mind and take you into a state of Self Hypnosis.

For example, yesterday I bought some cherry tomatoes. I was hoping they would taste as good as the ones I used to eat in my Grandfather's garden.
When I got home and put away the rest of the groceries, there were the tomatoes, just waiting for me on the counter.
I opened the carton and took one out, washed it thoroughly, got a little bit of salt on the end of it, and bit into it. And then it happened! I was back in my Grandfather's garden, four or five years old, walking through the rows of peas, beans, onions, corn, and okra plants and the plum and peach trees, and of course the tomato plants. I could feel the sunshine, smell the freshness of the air - it was a lot fresher then - and feel the dirt underneath my bare feet.


Thursday, April 21, 2016

Top Nine Ways to Improve Your Golf Score

“Golf is a lot like life. When you make a decision, stick with it.” Byron Nelson

“You swing

your best

when you have

the fewest things

to think about.”

Bobby Jones

So if the problem is between the ears and the solution is between the ears, how does a Golfer go about fixing it?
Here’s step # 1 – change Your thought patterns! One of the first things a Golfer says to me when they call is “My problem with my Golf game is . . .” It should be “THE problem with my Golf game is . . .”
I teach my athletes, whether they come to my Sports Hypnosis / NLP office in Dallas / Fort Worth or pay me to travel to them, to OWN the SOLUTION, NOT the PROBLEM! Instead of “I HAVE the YIPS” it should be “I’m experiencing THE YIPS”. Get rid of ownership of what You don’t want to have!

9 -- DO find a good Golf Pro / Instructor/ Mental Coach and follow and use His / Her advice / instruction.

8 -- STOP being concerned about what Your Golf Buddies are thinking about Your game. Focus on Your swing, Your Golf and let them think about Their Golf Game

7 -- If You execute a bad shot, review it once in Your mind to see what You could have done better. Then replay it in Your mind as You would have liked the shot to be. Do this while walking to the next hole – NOT while making Your next swing.

6. . . . 5 . . . 4. . . 3. . . 2 . . .1. . .

Friday, April 1, 2016

Top Nine Ways to Self Sabotage Your Golf Score

Golfers try all kinds of ways to fix the problem, but they usually look at the wrong ways first.    Why?  Because they look for outside solutions for problems that usually have inside solutions – inside the Subconscious Mind.

"I'm about five inches

from being an

outstanding golfer.

That's the distance

my left ear is

from my right. "

Ben Crenshaw

Most problems on the Golf course start (and can end) in the Golfer’s Mind. 
Many of the Golfers who come to see me for Sports Hypnosis /NLP in my Dallas / Fort Worth Hypnosis office (or have me travel to them) get very frustrated with their Golf game. 
They’ll try all kinds of ways to fix the problem, but they usually look at the wrong ways first. 
Why?  Because they look for outside solutions for problems that usually have inside solutions – inside the Subconscious Mind.
Let’s look at some of the ways Golfers self-sabotage their Golf Score: 
9. DON’T follow or use the advice / instruction of Your Golf Pro / Instructor/ Mental Coach. Instead think that buying the newest, improved golf club, ball, equipment, etc. will fix Your game – with no effort on Your part.

8. Continue to worry about what other people think about Your Golf game. Here’s the truth – they DON’T care! They’re busy worrying about what You think about Their Golf game! So they don’t have time to think about Yours.
7. If You have a bad shot, berate / beat Yourself up. Tell Yourself what a lousy, crummy Golfer You are. 

6. . . . 5 . . .  4. . .  3. . . 2 . . .1. . .